Apr 24 2010

Events of 4/24/2010

Spencer Quote: “I love you Aleph 2!” (Aleph 2 is the second form of infinity, larger than the ‘ordinal’ numbers).

William was hanging on the front of the shopping cart at Fry’s. He held his left leg arched behind him and said “Daddy, I’m skating”. He looked exactly like a figure skater.

We were playing an Indigo Girls CD in the car, and William heard the word “Ego”. He asked what it meant, and I said ego was like someone’s opinion of themself. That someone with a big ego would think they were the greatest person in the world. “Oh” said Spencer. “Like Bucky [the cat in the ‘Get Fuzzy’ comic]. Buck has a BIG ego.”

We’re about to build a new computer for Spencer, and went to Fry’s today to buy a new motherboard, processor and RAM. Over dinner tonight, Spencer reminded me “The hard drive is like the library for a computer”.