May 15 2010

Spoon Man

With Julie and the boys in Houston for a few days, I finally had the free time to offload the movies we’d recorded on our (now hopelessly obsolete) mini-DV camcorder. One tape only had six minutes of film, but it captured a very fat baby Spencer sitting at his high chair exploring his world. It is an amazing glimpse of a child playing and discovering their world, and food in that world, and the tools used to eat that food.

From Old Camcorder Videos

May 14 2010

Hitler goes down!

One challenge associated with having an extremely curious five year old is that they ask lots of questions, and then remember the answers to these questions. So when Spencer found the DVD case to a World War II movie lying around, I soon found myself explaining (in very general terms) what happened during World War II. A few weeks later, Spencer comes home from school having created the following 12 page story on WWII (Spencer drew the pictures and dictated the story to his teachers). Spencer embellished the story a bit, but it’s not like Tarantino didn’t do the same thing with ‘Inglorious Basterds’.

Here is the story:

World War II: by Spencer

World War II: by Spencer

pages 2 and 3

Once Adolf Hiter wanted to be the boss and take over the whole world. So, they rided on horsie to the fight.

pages 4 and 5

And that is a guy, a man who is shooting a laser gun at a bad guy on Adolf Hiter's team. This guy with 3 hands was fighting Adolf Hiter with a sword, a firedart, and a fire ball.

And these are bad guys on Adolf Hiter's team. A good guy on the United States team shot a cannon at these guys on Adolf Hiter's team.

And the United States won the fight. This guy holding the trophy is the guy with three hands. Here he is holding the big trophy. He's very strong.

And here he is again, holding the big trophy.

Here is the guy with the three hands on the United States team.

Apr 24 2010

Events of 4/24/2010

Spencer Quote: “I love you Aleph 2!” (Aleph 2 is the second form of infinity, larger than the ‘ordinal’ numbers).

William was hanging on the front of the shopping cart at Fry’s. He held his left leg arched behind him and said “Daddy, I’m skating”. He looked exactly like a figure skater.

We were playing an Indigo Girls CD in the car, and William heard the word “Ego”. He asked what it meant, and I said ego was like someone’s opinion of themself. That someone with a big ego would think they were the greatest person in the world. “Oh” said Spencer. “Like Bucky [the cat in the ‘Get Fuzzy’ comic]. Buck has a BIG ego.”

We’re about to build a new computer for Spencer, and went to Fry’s today to buy a new motherboard, processor and RAM. Over dinner tonight, Spencer reminded me “The hard drive is like the library for a computer”.